We're tripling donations this December
We're tripling donations this December
For charities

Reach more donors and raise more funds with matched giving

Empower donors to spread the word about your cause and GiveMatch will double their donations.

By fundraising on GiveMatch you'll have your own pot of match funding which you can access instantly.
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Additional funding to campaigns
Of donations reach charities
Donations plus social-powered growth
How we support charities

Unlock the power of match funding

Create a campaign

Set up a fundraising campaign through our easy-to-use dashboard, and outline the details of your cause. Or ask your supporters to create their fundraising page for your charity on our platform.

Spread the word

Our Customer Success team will provide you with helpful marketing material to share with your supporter base, highlighting the power of donating on GiveMatch.

Each donor can bring in new donations with a unique referral link, and once two successful referrals are made, we'll match the original donation amount; doubling your fundraising efforts.

Inspire viral giving

When donors share your fundraiser, it amplifies your reach and brings your cause to a wider audience. This turns donors into promoters for your charity.
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Our success stories

See how charities grow with GiveMatch

Discover how charities have leveraged matched funding to amplify their impact with GiveMatch. See real examples of how our platform has fuelled their success.
How FDF super charged
their fundraising with GiveMatch

How FDF super charged
their fundraising

FDF wanted to increase the marketing outreach of their campaigns and make the most of the resources
within their small team.
Freedom Development Foundation
Freedom Development
10 Sept 2024
5 min read
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Ready to maximise your impact?

Schedule a time to chat with us and let's explore how we can help your charity raise more and reach new donors.

Charity FAQ

What is GiveMatch?
GiveMatch is a platform that enables charities to maximise donations through matched funding and viral social sharing, helping you reach more donors and amplify your fundraising efforts.
What does GiveMatch offer to charities?
GiveMatch helps charities enhance their fundraising efforts through access to matched funding and our viral social sharing platform. By creating campaigns on our platform, charities can leverage social sharing to drive donations, while also potentially doubling contributions when donors refer their friends.
How do matched donations work?
When your supporters refer friends to donate, once two successful referrals are made, their donations are matched, effectively doubling the impact of each contribution.
How do I register my charity with GiveMatch?
You can register your charity on our website, or book a free consultation to explore how we can help your charity raise more and reach new donors.
What tools does GiveMatch provide for tracking donations?
GiveMatch offers real-time reporting tools that allow you to monitor your campaign’s progress and see how your fundraising efforts are performing.
What support is available if I have questions?
Our dedicated support team is here to help. You can reach out to us via email or by booking a meeting to discuss any inquiries you have.

GiveMatch is a game-changer. Given the choice between using GiveMatch which gives us the ability to get our donations doubled, or any other platform, it’s a no brainer.”

Freedom Development Foundation
Freedom Pigott
Director, Freedom Development Foundation